The Family's Secrets
The Family's Secrets
Secret and Lies Book Four
T.N. Lowe
The Family’s Secrets © 2019 by T.N. Lowe. All Rights Reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
T.N. Lowe
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Printed in the United States of America
ISBN-13 ooo-0-0000000-1-2
About The Book
Rylie Love and Shauna Volkov have been kidnapped. Erin Jefferies and Fi-Fi Murphy work with CIA Agent Tomas Ramirez to bring Rylie and Shauna home.
Once everyone safe in Washington D.C., Tomas warns Patrick Love there is a mole in The Family. Tomas doesn’t know who the mole is but knows he or she wants to ruin The Family. Now The Family members have to work together to find the mole.
The mole knows who to target, how to get to them, and knows all The Family’s secrets.
For my family.
Thank you for your love and support.
About The Book
Part I
Chapter One - Rylie
Chapter Two - Patrick
Chapter Three - Erin
Chapter Four - Rylie
Chapter Five - Patrick
Chapter Six - Erin
Chapter Seven - Rylie
Chapter Eight - Erin
Chapter Nine - Rylie
Chapter Ten - Erin
Chapter Eleven - Patrick
Chapter Twelve - Rylie
Chapter Thirteen - Maks
Part II
Chapter Fourteen - Patrick
Chapter Fifteen - Shauna
Chapter Sixteen - Erin
Chapter Seventeen - Rylie
Chapter Eighteen - Cain
Chapter Nineteen - Patrick
Chapter Twenty - Tomas
Chapter Twenty-One - Erin
Chapter Twenty-Two - Landon
Chapter Twenty-Three - Rylie
Chapter Twenty-Four - Tomas
Chapter Twenty-Five - Patrick
Chapter Twenty-Six - Shauna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Erin
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fi-Fi
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Tomas
Chapter Thirty - Erin
Chapter Thirty-One - Patrick
Chapter Thirty-Two - Rylie
Chapter Thirty-Three - Tomas
Chapter Thirty-Four - Landon
Chapter Thirty-Five - Erin
Chapter Thirty-Six - Cain
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Samuel
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Erin
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Rylie
Chapter Forty - Rylie
Epilogue Tomas
Note From the Author
Part I
Chapter One - Rylie
Opening my eyes, I see the sun shining in my bedroom window and smile; I can’t remember the last time I woke up after sunrise. Rolling over, I tap on the screen of my phone and see that it’s nine-thirty in the morning. My smile grows more prominent because today is my first full day off in over four months. No getting up at the butt crack of dawn to workout, shower, and then race off to work where I spend my day doing all the work for the “real lawyers” and get a quarter of the money. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a lawyer. But I do wish I could speed things up so I could be a “real lawyer” and not just a first-year associate.
None of that matters today though, because today is MY day. Today I am going to be the spoiled brat everyone thinks I am and only do what I want to, nothing else. After I take a shower and eat a quick breakfast, I’m picking up my best friend (and cousin) Shauna. Today we are spending the whole day together, shopping and eating junk food. She will humor me in whatever I want because she needs to blow off stream just as much, if not more, than I do. “It will be just like the old days,” I mumble, rolling out of bed.
“Thank you for coming with me,” I reply as we walk into the Capital Grill, my favorite place in all of Washington, D.C., for lunch. Shauna is one of my many cousins and is my opposite in nearly every way. Whereas I have a golden tan, short black hair, and bland brown eyes, Shauna has creamy white skin, long golden blond hair, and vibrant blue eyes. But our differences are easy to explain; Quinn and Brianna Love adopted me when I was a baby. Along with my parents came three older brothers; Liam, the oldest and only biological son of Quinn and Brianna, Patrick, the middle son, and Dylan, the youngest son, not to mention a crazy amount of aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Relatives weren’t the only thing to come with Quinn and Brianna; they have a secret. We, including all the aunts, uncles, and cousins, make up The Family. Through marriage, we have allied with the Italians, Russians, and Chinese, making us the largest and most powerful mafia family in the world. The Family has members who are capitals of industry, members of the military, police, FBI, and CIA, congressmen, senators, and even a President of the United States.
Shauna recently married the love of her life, Maks Volkov, Pakhan of the Russian Mafia, though their story is not all hearts and rainbows. Maks and Shauna met as a result of the Vory wanting to become members of The Family. Samuel, the leader of The Family, and my brother Patrick proposed that Maks, the only son of the Vory Pakhan Gennadi, marry Shauna. Gennadi agreed quickly and pushed Maks and Shauna together. Maks rebelled against his father, and tried, but failed miserably, not to fall in love with Shauna.
Somehow they worked things out and now they live happily and totally in love with each other in Philadelphia. They come to Washington D.C. every three months for Shauna’s work at Kinsman Communication and to see her family. This trip Maks wasn’t able to come with Shauna, and I was lucky enough to nab her for shopping and lunch.
“No problem. I’m always here for you. You only have to call,” Shauna reminds me.
“I seriously miss you. Since you moved to Philadelphia, I have no one to go out with.”
Shauna laughs, “You are the one who is so busy.”
I join in Shauna’s laughter, “It is worst now I’m an associate at Liam’s firm.” After my recent graduation from law school, and thanks to my big brother Liam, it is at his law that I was able to start my career as an associate.
“How is it at the law firm?” Shauna asks as we take our seats.
“Crazy. You would think being a named partner’s sister they would go easy on me; but nope. I have to work twice as hard because everyone thinks Liam gave me the job. None of my co-workers care that I earned it by being at the top of my class at Georgetown.”
“I sympathize. People said the same thing when Kegan promoted me. Don’t listen to them; let your work speak for itself.” Shauna is the lead app developer for Kinsman Communication and our uncle, Kegan Scott, is the CEO of the company. There was a lot of talk as to why Shauna was promoted over developers who had more experience than her. It took some time, but she proved all the naysayers wrong; she has mad skills and belongs in the position.
“Easier said than done,” I reply.
“I know,” Shauna acknowledges, as the server appears to take our orders.
Once the server leaves, Shauna pulls a small bag from her always present messenger bag. “Anyway, I have something for you.”
“What’s this?” I ask.
“A gift; now open it,�
� Shauna laughs.
Opening the bag and peeking inside, I gasp at the Sam and Dean Supernatural Pops figurines. “Oh my God, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I thought they would look good on your new desk.”
After our lunch orders arrive, I ask Shauna, “When are you going back to Philadelphia?”
“Tomorrow morning. Maks will have a fit if I’m gone more than a couple of days. If he had it his way, I would never travel without him.”
“I’m surprised he doesn’t have an army of bodyguards with you,” I giggle.
Shauna rolls her eyes, “Oh, we had a big fight about my security before I left. I told him it would be a waste of the guy’s time since I’m in D.C. for only two days. Patrick will look after me.”
“Is that why you are staying with Lena and Patrick this time and not your parents’ house?”
Lena is my brother, Patrick’s wife. Their story is a long and sordid tale. When Lena and Patrick officially met, she was the front desk manager of the Bar Harbor Inn, and Patrick was the new owner. Patrick had her under his spell quickly. After Lena was deceived by people she thought she could trust and almost killed, she and Patrick were married and they’d since become the proud parents of little Andrew.
“Yep, staying with Patrick and Lena was the only way Maks would let me come without him,” Shauna answers finishing her meal.
Finishing my sandwich and tossing my napkin on the empty plate, the server brings us our bill. Shauna puts two twenties in the folder.
“We better get you back before Patrick sends a search party for you,” I offer as I get up from our table to leave.
“You’re right,” Shauna answers, standing and pulling her bag onto her shoulder.
Exiting the Capital Grill, we head down the street to where my car is parked. We make idle chitchat as Shauna’s phone rings. Pulling it from her pocket and brings it to her ear and answers with, “Hey Baby.”
I notice that a red vehicle comes to a squealing stop next to us. Since parking in this part of D.C. is at a minimum, this isn’t unusual behavior when a spot opens up. Looking over, I see the van has no rear windows, rust holes bigger than my head at the wheel wells, and a massive dent on the passenger side. Four tall, muscular tattooed, good-looking Hispanic men exit the rear passenger door and jog in our direction.
I suddenly realize that their eyes are locked-on Shauna and me. I take Shauna’s hand and pull her with me as I walk faster. The men start to jog faster. “Run,” I scream as I sprint to my car, pulling Shauna with me.
“Maks!” Shauna cries into the phone.
The four men are on us before we can reach the car. One man wraps his arm around my waist and hauls me off my feet. I thrash and fight my captor, but the more I struggle, the tighter his arms squeeze me. Changing tactics, I scream for help at the top of my lungs, but no one comes to our aid. Scanning the area, I see that there is no one around. This is alarming as we are in a busy area close to The Mall, usually a huge tourist area. The man turns me around, trying to cover my mouth with his hand to stifle my cries. I see Shauna; she is fighting so hard it takes two men to hold her, one at her shoulders and one by her feet. Her cell phone is lying on the sidewalk and she is screaming at it for Maks.
The fourth man races to Shauna’s side and pulls a syringe from his pocket, uncaps it, then plunges it into Shauna’s neck. Within seconds she goes limp and the two men carry her toward the van and disappear into the back.
“What the hell did you give her?” I shout.
The men ignore my question and drag me to the back of the van and push me. As soon as I’m inside, I scoot to Shauna’s side and check to see that her chest is rising and falling. Thank God, she’s breathing.
The doors slam shut and after only a few seconds, the driver speeds off, the tires howling their protest.
“Who the fuck are you, and what the hell do you want?” I spit at the men.
“Shut up,” one man orders in a heavy Hispanic accent.
“Do you know who we are?”
“I said shut the fuck up,” the man commands slapping me across the face.
“I wouldn’t do that unless you want a war,” I hiss.
A second man pulls two syringes from his pocket. “Don’t you fucking dare,” I scream.
I try to squirm away from the needle, but a different man holds me still as the needle plunges into my arm, sending everything into darkness.
Chapter Two - Patrick
“How’s my little man?” I ask Andrew, my ten-month-old son, as I pluck him from the crib. My wife, Lena, is at a doctor’s appointment as she has had a nasty stomach bug for the past two weeks. So, it is just the Love men in the house today.
After changing Andrew’s diaper, we head downstairs for some lunch. “What sounds good for lunch?”
“Dada boob boo loo,” Andrew babbles patting my cheek.
I chuckle and kiss the top of his head. Pushing off the last stair I jog then slide across the marble floor in my sock clad feet. Andrew squeals with laughter. I do it again pass the entryway table where photos of my little family sit. Andrew screams his delight. I slide one final time past the family room and into the kitchen.
As I’m placing Andrew in his highchair, my phone vibrates from across the kitchen counter. Maks’ name appears on the screen. Before I can say hello, he barks, “Where the hell is my wife?” panic and fear lacing his thick Russian accent.
Maks is a short-tempered Russian, who is crazy over his wife’s security. And after what his father did to her, I would be too. It took me a week to convince him Shauna would be safe here, and to not send his army of guards with her. I sent him all the security logs for the two weeks prior to her arrival showing him that there was no risk to her while she was here.
“At lunch with Rylie,” I say, confused, as I secure Andrew’s bib around his neck.
“I was on the phone with Shauna as they were walking to Rylie’s car. Something happened! She dropped her phone and started screaming for me to help her! I could hear Rylie screaming for help too. Then there was nothing but screeching tires in the background. I’ve tried to call her again and again; it just goes to voicemail! So, where the fuck is my wife?!” Maks barks.
I try to answer calmly, “I’ll look into and let you know what I find,” masking my own fear for my sister and our cousin.
“I’m leaving Philly now; I’ll be there is a couple of hours.”
“I’ll have an update for you by the time you arrive,” I reply before Maks ends the call.
Placating a fussy Andrew with some Cheerios, I call Lena. “Princess, are you okay?”
“Yeah. Billy and I are leaving the doctor’s office now. Is everything okay?”
“Tell Billy to bring you straight home. NO stops. Maks called in a panic; something happened to Shauna and Rylie.”
“Oh my God,” Lena gasps. “Don’t worry, we are getting into the car now. I’ll be home in fifteen minutes.”
“Be careful. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Lena reciprocates, ending the call.
While trying to concentrate on fixing Andrew lunch, I call my head of security, Bryan. He answers the phone on the first ring, “Sir?”
“Find my sister and Shauna now,” I demand after a quick rundown of Maks’ and my conversation
“On it, boss,” Bryan affirms, ending the call.
Andrew and I are sitting at the kitchen island, woofing down a lunch of turkey with potatoes when I hear the front door open and close. “Patrick, where are you?” Lena yells her sneakers squeaking as she runs on the marble floors.
“We’re in the kitchen,” I yell back, spooning more potatoes into Andrew’s open mouth.
Lena bursts into the kitchen, her satin gray eyes showing her worry and her long black locks a mess from running her fingers through them. She kisses the top of Andrew’s head before rounding the highchair and coming to my side and kissing me. “Any updates on Rylie and Shauna?”
“Not yet, Bryan is looki
ng into it what Maks reported,” I explain just as my phone rings. Lena takes my place at the counter and helps Andrew eat while I take the call from Bryan. “Please tell me you have good news.”
“The video shows a red cargo van pulling alongside Rylie and Shauna. Four men overpower and grab them, then toss them into the back before driving off,” Bryan informs, his tone all-business.
My heart stops. I can’t help imagining what those animals might want to do with my sister and cousin. Why didn’t I listen to Maks and put a man on Shauna while she was in town? I talked to Bryan before her arrival; he did a risk assessment and found no risk. There was no need to put a man on her. Jesus Christ. “Do we have any idea who they are or who they work for?”
“Not yet. One of the men had cartel tattoos on his arm. I sent photos to a friend at the FBI to narrow down which cartel they might belong to.”
“Call me the second you know anything,” I demand, ending the call and dialing the one person I know can help get my sister and cousin back; Erin Jefferies. Lena watches me as I pace the dining room, waiting for her to answer the call.
Erin Jefferies is one of my cousins. Her mother, Riona Murphy, owns Sullivan Bakery, one of the businesses The Family uses to launder money. While he was alive, Erin’s father Sean was in the FBI on the organized crime unit. Like Lena, Erin and her brother Cain, grew up not knowing anything about The Family. Riona and Sean thought they were doing what was best for their children, giving them a normal life. Though it turned out to be the worst thing for Erin.
Through a series of events after being fired from the FBI, and having been forced to restart her life, Erin had ended up in the small mountain town of Moose Valley, Colorado as the Police Chief. She had fallen in love and married a great man named Landon and they have a two-year-old son.
“Hello?” The soft feminine voice answers.